Russian Research on The IssuesThe problem of influenza and influenza-like infections remains relevant because of the unique ability of influenza viruses to change via mutation, recombination, and reassortment of genes. These changes, which are accompanied by modification of the pathogens’ biological properties, are the cause underlying uncontrolled spread of infection. Despite successes in creating vaccines, as well as other drugs for treatment and prevention, influenza epidemics sweep countries and continents every year. Immunity, which is formed in the population as a result of vaccination, leads to the emergence of new drift variants which escape the neutralizing action of specific antibodies. Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (div. Russian Ministry of Health) research topics 2018:
The purpose of scientific research is the creation of effective preventive, therapeutic, and diagnostic tools to reduce the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Joint coordinated work between research institutions and enterprises producing vaccines provides for the creation of relevant drugs, including inactivated vaccines for children and the elderly. Standards of therapy and tactics for vaccination are being developed. Development of drugs based on new designs:
Computer programs are being developed, for use in the Russian influenza epidemiological surveillance system, which allow the creation of databases by automating and modernizing the system for collecting information. Improvement of influenza surveillance is in progress in order to enable early detection of influenza viruses with pandemic potential, as well as to identify relevant strains for the development of preventive and diagnostic drugs. As a result of the Institute’s work, scientific conferences, symposia, and seminars are organized and methodological literature is published. |