The Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Illness Epidemiology has been part of the federal Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Ministry of Health, since 1970 and is a core unit of the Federal Influenza Center. From 1994 to 2010, the laboratory was directed by the head of the Federal Influenza Center I. G. Marinich, MD, PhD, who made great contributions in areas such as: development and improvement of Russian epidemiological surveillance of influenza and acute respiratory infections; study of patterns connected with influenza and acute respiratory infection (ARVI) epidemic progression; and prediction of epidemic conditions. Dr. Marinich was awarded the “Service to the Nation’s Healthcare” medal, and laboratory staff have played crucial roles in the development and implementation of a Russian scientifically-based system of influenza and ARVI surveillance for practical public health.
Main activities
Refinement of influenza epidemiological surveillance in Russia with early detection of epidemics in mind
Clarification of global and Russian influenza/ARVI epidemiological patterns in order to enhance prediction and effectiveness of measures planned to reduce incidence
A statistical database of weekly influenza/ARVI incidence has been founded and continues collecting data at the Federal Influenza Center.
The laboratory regularly processes database information to examine factors, such as: number of reported influenza/ARVI cases; hospitalizations and deaths per week for the total population; and detailed age group information (children aged 0–2 years, 3–6 years, 7–14 years, 15 years and older). This analysis continues throughout the year and includes 61 cities.
Since 2009, more precise data is being collected (regarding influenza/ARVI illness and hospitalization), such as the new categories: “15–64 years old”; and “65 years and older”.
At the Federal Influenza Center, collection, storage, and statistical processing of information is carried out with modern information technologies, including a software system created by the laboratory, which is constantly updated and modernized as needs arise. In addition, an automated system for transmitting information through an internet portal has been commissioned.
The Federal Influenza Center conducts weekly analysis of the influenza situation in 61 cities of the Federal Influenza Center base laboratories and 10 cities of the Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology base laboratories. A multi-year collection of information regarding the incidence of influenza/ARVI serves as core data for basic research in the field of epidemiology.